National Quality Standard 


The National Quality Standard (NQS) has been formulated by the Australian government. It is used to guide all staff working with children in the early childhood sector. 

The K-2 team at Wattle Grove Primary School will be exploring and reflecting upon the NQS throughout the year. Each class blog within K-2 will contain a feature article about the NQS. 

If you would like to find out more information about the NQS, please have a look at the website. 


As stipulated in the National Quality Standard, all staff focus on the quality of each child’s learning experience. To engage in each lesson and reach their full potential, children must be well rested. I know many 
children have extracurricular activities they complete, however, some are coming to school tired. Below are some guided mindfulness videos that are beneficial to assisting children to relax and rest.

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
