An Amazing Term One!

Over the last nine weeks, the children have participated in many exciting events. 

Our Assembly

On the 14th of March, the children from Room 7 and Room 24 hosted the junior assembly. The junior assembly was transformed into a show about space adventures. The children presented information about the solar system and delivered two entertaining songs. All the children remembered their lines, sang beautifully and performed all the actions. The children looked stunning in their costumes. Overall, it was an outstanding assembly! I am very proud of all the children. Thank you very much to all the parents for your time and effort in helping us with our assembly preparation. I truly appreciate all the wonderful support you have provided us. A special thank you to Mrs Webber, Mrs Fogarty, Mrs Bradtke and Mrs Farid for your contributions to our amazing props and backdrops.

Award Winners

Science and Values Awards

Congratulations to Byran for receiving Room 7’s Science Award. You are an amazing scientist, Bryan. 

Well Done to Milla for receiving Room 7’s Values Award for Kindness. You are a superstar, Milla.

Merit Certificates

Congratulations to Vaiga, Vincent and Matilda for receiving their well-deserved Merit Certificates. Keep up the outstanding effort.

Italian Award

Congratulations to the children for winning the Italian Award. Thank you to Matilda and Jacob (Semester 1 Student Councillors) for accepting the award on behalf of their peers.

Harmony Week

Art Installation

In Visual Arts, the children contributed to a beautiful art display of butterflies. Each child wrote special messages of Harmony on the coloured butterflies.

Buddy Activities

On the 20th March, the children met their buddies from Room 27. Each child created a handprint for our Harmony Tree display and contributed to a paper chain of people dressed up from different cultures. A BIG thank you to Miss Kercher for organising these wonderful Harmony Day activities for the children.

Harmony Day Parade

On the 22nd March, the children participated in a parade with their buddy class. The children wore clothing representing cultures from around the world or dressed in orange which is the celebration colour for Harmony Day. Thank you to all the parents for helping your child dress up for the parade. 

Super Scientists in Room 7

  As part of our Science Program, the children have continued to complete one science experiment per day.

Here is a selection of experiments from the last couple of weeks.

      Orange experiment

      Light refraction

      Tornado in a bottle

      Pepper on the run

      Using a straw to poke a potato

      Magic milk


      Floating paperclips

     Inflating balloons by chemical reactions 

      Dancing rice

Special Events

Fortnightly Tests

Congratulations to Jaydon, Matilda and Bryan for achieving 100% on their week 4 Year One Fortnightly Test. 

Congratulations to Jaydon, Tallon, Bryan, Urshia, Matilda and Jacob for achieving 100% on their week 8 Year One Fortnightly Test. 

Year One Mathematics (Number and Algebra) Test

Congratulations to Chloe, Urshia, Bryan, Matilda and Jaydon for achieving 100% on the Year One Mathematics Test.  

Thank you very much for your fantastic support this term. I have really enjoyed getting to know you and your lovely families.

I wish you all a happy and safe holiday.

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
