Welcome to Term Four! 

From Miss Ryan... 

The Clever Caterpillars have had an excellent start to Term Four. Over the last four weeks, the children have been involved in many great events... 


On the 8th October, the children commenced dancing lessons. Congratulations to all the children for their outstanding effort and enthusiasm displayed during the dancing lessons. Keep up the fantastic work!

Year Level Challenge Presentation

On the 12th October, the children attended a whole school assembly. At the assembly, the results for the Term Three Year Level Challenge were announced. 

Well done to Thanuja for being the most improved from Room 7.

Whole School Science Superstars

At the beginning of the term, the children were invited to present a report on a science related topic to their peers.

All the children were creative, used their imagination and had fun in preparing and presenting their science report.

Congratulations to Tahlia for being selected by her peers as the top ‘super scientist’ from Room 7. 

After presenting at the Year One Super Science Challenge, Tahlia was selected as the overall Year One Super Science Winner. A BIG congratulations to Tahlia! We are very proud of you. Tahlia will now present her Science Report at the whole school assembly in Week Nine.

Junior Assembly

On the 26th October, the children attended a Junior Assembly presented by Room 2 and Room 4. Congratulations to Freya, Manav and Tahlia for receiving their well-deserved Merit Certificates. Keep up the super effort, Caterpillars.

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
