Authors at work 

As part of our Year One English Program, the students have been creating detailed texts for a range of purposes using simple frameworks.


Purpose: To retell a series of events.

Swimming by Misbah

On the sunny weekend, my Mum, brother, sister and I went to the Belmont Swimming Centre because I had swimming lessons. First, I got changed into my colourful swimming bathers. Then I found my friendly swimming instructor. She taught my group how to swim using our hands and feet. After my swimming lesson, I had a warm shower before coming home. I had an awesome time at swimming lessons. I can’t wait to go again!


Purpose: To tell someone how to make or do something. 

How to pack a bag for school by Lucas

Goal: To pack a school bag.


1x Bag
2x Folders
1x Library bag
1x Hat
1x Lunch box
1x Drink bottle


1.     Put your bag on the clean floor.
2.     Unzip the main section of your bag.
3.     Collect your two folders from your room.
4.     Carefully put the two folders into your bag.
5.     Position your lunch box and drink bottle next to the folders.
6.     Put your hat on top of your lunch box.
7.     Sensibly zip up your bag.


Purpose: To tell a story.

A Kind Fairy by Kyan

Once upon a time, a polite fairy was feeding a precious unicorn but suddenly an evil witch was flying around. She stole the fairy and burst out with laughter. Then she flew away to her castle. The mystical fairy was put in a cage. The unicorn was very sad. The fairy was very sad too. Then… a nurturing lady that cares about fairies was in the witch’s castle as well. The adventurous lady ran to the cage as quick as lightning. The lady opened the cage. As the fairy was so happy, she put on crowded party. The end.

Keep up the good work, Caterpillars!

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
