Welcome to Term Two!
This term, students will continue with their usual Literacy activities, with a new focus on Narrative writing.
The following points outline the Writing skills and knowledge the children will learn throughout the term:
-Identify the Characters (Who), Setting (Where) and Problem (What) of a
-Identify the purpose and structure of a Narrative.
-Plan and Write an Orientation of a Narrative.
-Develop a setting.
-Identify and describe character traits.
-Write a plan and use that plan to write a problem and series of event
in Narrative.
-Write a plan and use that plan to write a resolution to a Narrative.
-Write a full Narrative plan and use that plan to write an Orientation,
a Problem and a Resolution.
In Mathematics the children
will continue to consolidate their number skills with our guidance of the
following additional skills and strategies:
-Identifying more or less with numbers up to 50.
-Calculating ‘How many?’ to 50.
-Counting to 200 and from 100 from any starting point.
-Making and drawing collections to 50.
-Reading and understand basic addition and subtraction facts to 20.
-Representing and solving simple addition and subtraction problems to
30 using concrete materials, illustrations, counting on and counting back,
partitioning and rearranging parts.
We will also continue
to develop students’ knowledge and understandings of:
-The duration of an hour, day, week and month.
-Comparison of length, capacity, area and mass of pairs of objects
using uniform informal units.
-Time to hour and half hour
-3D shapes and their basic attributes and features.
-Simple questions to gather responses to collect data.
-Simple data displays, such as picture graphs with a 1:1 scale.
-Outcomes of familiar events involving chance and everyday language
such as “will happen”, “won’t happen” or “might happen” to describe them.
This term students
will learn about strategies to manage their feelings and friendships, as well
as ways to combat bullying with Bounce Back Bear.
In Science this term,
we will be investigating Biological Sciences with a focus on living things and,
the habitats and lifecycles of living things in accordance to the following
-Recognising body parts of animals and describing the use and purpose
of each.
-Recognising basic parts of plants and describing the use and purpose
of each.
-Identifying different habitats in the local environment.
-Identifying living things living in different places.
-Describing the impact on living things when their habitats change.
Kind regards
Miss Ryan
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