Mathematics Learning Outcomes
In Term Four, the children are learning to:
Pre Primary
Pre Primary
- Counts backwards from 20.
- Use the strategy ‘counting on’.
- Sort and classify familiar objects and explains the basis for these classifications.
- Model adding and sharing using a variety of practical strategies.
- Add and subtract small quantities.
- Know and use ordinal numbers to 10th.
- Change collections to make number bonds to 10.
- Identify the days of the week and link to specific familiar events.
- Name 3D shapes – sphere, cube.
- Sort 2D and 3D shapes.
- Pose questions about themselves, events and familiar objects.
- Represent responses using simple displays, including grouping students according to their answers.
- Use data displays to answer simple questions.
Year One
- Orally count from 0 by 2s to 100.
- Read and understand basic facts to 20 (addition and subtraction).
- Automatically recall basic facts to 20 (addition and subtraction).
- Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems to 40 using concrete materials, illustrations, counting on, counting back and number bonds.
- Count collections to 100 or more by partitioning numbers using place value.
- Understand and describe the concept of one-half as part of a whole.
- Recognise, describe and order Australian coins and notes according to value.
- Know the duration of an hour, day, week and month.
- Tell the time (hour and half hour).
- Choose simple questions and gathering responses to collect data.
- Draw simple data displays.
- Represent data with objects and drawings (one to one correspondence).
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