English Learning Outcomes In Term Four, the children are learning to: English Skills Pre Primary Recognise 100 high frequency words. Identify question marks, exclamation marks, bold print, full stops, speech marks and commas. Explain that full stops signal the end of a sentence. Sequence events and everyday happenings. Identify the title, author, word, letter, space and page. Discuss characters and main events in imaginative texts. Differentiate between fiction and non-fiction texts. Spell 50 high frequency words. Write one or more simple sentences to retell events and experiences. Year One Identify who, when, what, where and why in a sentence. Recognise and use morphemes in word families e.g. 'play', 'played' and 'playing'. U se nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives correctly in sentences. Use basic conjunctions, contractions and similes in their writing. Spell the first 150 high frequency words. Write recounts, procedures, narrative...
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Katherine Ryan
Mathematics Learning Outcomes In Term Four, the children are learning to: Pre Primary Counts backwards from 20. Use the strategy ‘counting on’. Sort and classify familiar objects and explains the basis for these classifications. Model adding and sharing using a variety of practical strategies. Add and subtract small quantities. Know and use ordinal numbers to 10 th. Change collections to make number bonds to 10. Identify the days of the week and link to specific familiar events. Name 3D shapes – sphere, cube. Sort 2D and 3D shapes. Pose questions about themselves, events and familiar objects. Represent responses using simple displays, including grouping students according to their answers. Use data displays to answer simple questions. Year One Orally count from 0 by 2s to 100. Read and understand basic facts to 20 (addition and sub...
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Katherine Ryan

Welcome to Term Four! From Miss Ryan... The Clever Caterpillars have had an excellent start to Term Four. Over the last four weeks, the children have been involved in many great events. Dancing On the 15 th October, the children commenced dancing lessons. Congratulations to all the children for their outstanding effort and enthusiasm displayed during the dancing lessons. Keep up the fantastic work! Junior Assembly On the 30 th October, the children attended a Junior Assembly presented by Room 1 and Room 4. At the end of the Junior Assembly, Gracie, Charles and Jaxson presented the Gruffalo ending to the audience. The ending Congratulations to Tayjas and Alison for receiving their well-deserved Merit Certificates. Keep up the super effort, Caterpillars. Kind regards Miss Ryan