Narrative Writing

In Literacy, we are writing narratives. You will have noticed Talk Homework appearing on the class blog every Wednesday. We have our Big Write lesson on a Thursday, so it is important that you talk about the homework with your child on Wednesday night.

Children have been learning how to begin a narrative by creating an orientation: 

Opener - Sizzling Start 

Setting- When and where does the story happen? 

An excellent writer uses their five senses to provide descriptions of the setting. 

Characters - Who is in the story?

An excellent writer describes their character's appearance, personality and feelings in their story.

I have been encouraging the children to use adjectives to describe the characters and places to make their stories as interesting to read as possible. We call these our WOW words.

This week we are discussing how to create the middle of a story. We are starting with -  

What is the problem?  

The series of events that happen to solve the problem.

For the remainder of the term, we will look at -  How is the problem resolved?

If you have any questions, please come and see me.

Kind regards

Miss Ryan


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