
Showing posts from August, 2020
Our Assembly   Friday 28th March 2020 Dear Parents I have listed the assembly schedule for you.  All children need to meet outside our classroom at 8:20am .  All children need to be in their costume. Please ensure your child has been to the toilet prior to lining up outside our classroom. The children will move to the undercover area at 8:30am. The assembly will start at 8:45am . After the assembly, the children will get changed into their school uniform. Please make sure your child has their school uniform in their school bags. Over the next few days, I would like you to please continue to provide opportunities for your child to rehearse all their parts (including singing the song).   If you have any questions, please come and see me. Kind regards Miss Ryan
Assembly Preparation   Rooms 6 and 7 Assembly  On the 28 th August (Friday) , the children in Room 6 and Room 7 will be hosting the Junior Assembly. The children will be performing a song about reading and acting out the Gruffalo. Song: The Reading Song (Please click on the title to hear the song)  The children will be receiving a copy of the script and costume list this week.   Throughout the next two weeks, I would like the students to practise the song and script at home. This includes saying the words and performing the actions.  If you have any questions or concerns about the assembly, please come and see me.  Kind regards Miss Ryan
Narrative Writing In Literacy, we are writing narratives. You will have noticed Talk Homework appearing on the class blog every Wednesday. We have our Big Write lesson on a Thursday, so it is important that you talk about the homework with your child on Wednesday night. Children have been learning how to begin a narrative by creating an orientation:  Opener - Sizzling Start  Setting- When  and  where  does the story happen?  An excellent writer uses their five senses to provide descriptions of the setting.  Characters - Who  is in the story? An excellent writer describes their character's appearance, personality and feelings in their story. I have been encouraging the c hildren to use adjectives to describe the characters and places to make their stories as interesting to read as possible. We call these our WOW words . This week we are discussing how to create the middle of a story. We are starting with -   What  is the problem?  
Book Week Parade On the 27 th  August (Thursday) , the children will be participating in a Book Week Parade. The children need to dress up as their  favourite book character.  I look forward to seeing all the wonderful costumes  If you have any questions, please come and see me. Kind regards Miss Ryan