Healthy Zero Waste Days (No throw Tuesday)

As part of our whole school approach towards sustainability, our class is having healthy zero waste days on Tuesdays. The healthy zero waste days encourages the children to reduce the amount of waste we produce. Before recess, the children will take turns to count the number of healthy zero waste lunchboxes in our classroom. Then the children will add the data to our class graph.

What is a healthy zero waste lunchbox?
  1. A zero waste lunchbox contains no throwaway packaging and produces no food waste. 
  2. The food is put in reusable containers rather than wrapped in disposable packaging.
  3. A drink is in a refillable bottle.
  4. All containers are resealable, so that leftover food and drink can be saved for later.

Healthy zero waste lunchbox ☺☺☺

Thank you for supporting our approach towards sustainability. 

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
