Welcome to Term Three!

The Clever Caterpillars have had a wonderful start to Term Three.

The children have settled into their new home teams and continue to give 120% effort towards their learning.

Over the last three weeks, the children have been involved in many exciting events….

Student Councillors

Congratulations to Caitlin and Tallon for being voted by their peers as the Student 
Councillors for Room 7.

Year Level Challenge

On the 26th of July, the children attended a whole school assembly. At the assembly, the results for the Term Two Year Level Challenge were announced. 

Congratulations to Bryan, Matilda and Urshia for achieving 100% on the Year One Challenge. I am very proud of you all. 

Super Scientists in Room 7

  As part of our Science Program, the children have continued to complete one science experiment per day.

Here is a selection of experiments from the last couple of weeks.

Coloured glasses

Light and sound

Makey Makey (Bongo Drums and Piano)

Nursery Rhymes

Each week, the children are learning a new nursery rhyme.

Week 1: Incy Wincy Spider


Throughout NAIDOC Week, the children learnt about the growth, features and traditional uses of local native plants. They learnt about the Noongar seasons and how the traditional landowners used the various plants at different times of the year. At the end of the week, the children met their buddies from Room 27. Each child created a boomerang and an Aboriginal Flag.  

100 Days of Pre Primary/ Year One

On the 25th of July, the children celebrated 100 days in Pre Primary/Year One. The children participated in a range of learning activities. These included:

100 Day Puzzles and Bookmarks
100 Day Reflection Sheets
100 Steps Walk
Superhero Moves

Keep up the fantastic effort, Clever Caterpillars ☺

Kind regards

Miss Ryan


  1. Wow! what a busy term 3 already! love the photos and seeing what everyone has been doing :)

    1. Dear Mrs Minchin,

      Thank you very much for the nice comments :-)

      We have had a fun couple of weeks.

      Have a wonderful day.

      From the Clever Caterpillars in Room 7


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