
Showing posts from August, 2019
Year One Project for Term Three Dear Parents As part of our Year One Science/ STEM Program, the children are making a sun chime. If you are able to donate any milk bottle tops , we would really appreciate it. Thank you Miss Ryan
An Amazing Science Week! Science is Fun ☺ Throughout Week Four, the Clever Caterpillars participated in a range of exciting science activities to celebrate Science Week.  These included: A Science Show A Science Quiz A Design an Alien Competition  The children have continued to complete one science experiment per day. Here is a selection of experiments from the last few weeks. Paper cup telephone Bubble blowing Magnetic activity set Magnetic testing     Hot and cold water experiment Light box                           In the dark activity Paper plane competition Kind regards Miss Ryan
National Quality Standard  Introduction The National Quality Standard (NQS) has been formulated by the Australian government. It  is used to guide all staff working with children in the early childhood sector.  The K-2 team at Wattle Grove Primary School will be exploring and reflecting upon the NQS throughout the year. Each class blog within K-2 will contain a feature article about the NQS.  If you would like to find out more information about the NQS, please have a look at the website .   Article  As stipulated in the National Quality Standard, all staff focus on the quality of each child’s learning experience. To engage in each lesson and reach their full potential, children must be well rested. I know many  children have extracurricular activities they complete, however, some are coming to school tired. Below are some guided mindfulness videos that are beneficial to assisting children to relax and rest. Cosmic Kids Zen ...
Term Three Learning Outcomes I n the classroom, the children are learning to: Mathematics Skills Pre Primary Count forward in sequence to 100. Counts backwards from 20. Use the strategy ‘counting on’.  Read numerals, identifies numerals and matches to quantities 0-20. Count each object once only. Compare collections according to quantity i.e. ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘same as’, ‘not the same as’.  Sort and classify familiar objects and explains the basis for these classifications. Model adding and sharing using a variety of practical strategies. Add and subtract small quantities. Know and use ordinal numbers to 10 th. Change collections to make number bonds to 10. Describe position and movement i.e. in front, behind, next to, under, on, in, between, forwards, backwards and towards. Follow and give simple directions to guide a friend around an obstacle path.  Use direct comparison to decide which is longer, heavier or holds more. Use everyday language as...
Year One Poetry Recital  Dear Parents In Week 4, the Year One children have been invited to recite a poem to their peers. This can be a nursery rhyme. Each recital should be no longer than 2 minutes. Children will need to focus on their voice and expression, movement, action and enthusiasm. Props and sound effects can also be used. Each class will select their top two finalists and they will move forward to the Year Level Challenge in Week 5. The overall Year One winner will recite their poem at the Poetry Book Week Parade in Week 6. Week 4 Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Matilda Hunter Vincent Urshia April Tallon Jaxon Bryan Jaydon Kairav Caitlin Jacob Roma Chloe Zohal If you have any questions about the poetry recital, please come and see me. Kind regards Miss Ryan
Poetry Book Week Parade On the  30 th  August (Friday) , the children will be participating in a Poetry Book Week Parade. The children need to dress up as their  favourite poem character. This can be from a nursery rhyme . I look forward to seeing all the wonderful costumes  If you have any questions, please come and see me. Kind regards Miss Ryan
Welcome to Term Three! The Clever Caterpillars have had a wonderful start to Term Three. The children have settled into their new home teams and continue to give 120% effort towards their learning. Over the last three weeks, the children have been involved in many exciting events…. Student Councillors Congratulations to Caitlin and Tallon for being voted by their peers as the Student  Councillors for Room 7. Year Level Challenge On the 26 th of July, the children attended a whole school assembly. At the assembly, the results for the Term Two Year Level Challenge were announced.  Congratulations to Bryan, Matilda and Urshia for achieving 100% on the Year One Challenge. I am very proud of you all.  Super Scientists in Room 7   As part of our Science Program, the children have continued to complete one science experiment per day. Here is a selection of experiments from the last couple of weeks. Colour...