Term Three Learning Outcomes I n the classroom, the children are learning to: Mathematics Skills Pre Primary Count forward in sequence to 100. Counts backwards from 20. Use the strategy ‘counting on’. Read numerals, identifies numerals and matches to quantities 0-20. Count each object once only. Compare collections according to quantity i.e. ‘more’, ‘less’, ‘same as’, ‘not the same as’. Sort and classify familiar objects and explains the basis for these classifications. Model adding and sharing using a variety of practical strategies. Add and subtract small quantities. Know and use ordinal numbers to 10 th. Change collections to make number bonds to 10. Describe position and movement i.e. in front, behind, next to, under, on, in, between, forwards, backwards and towards. Follow and give simple directions to guide a friend around an obstacle path. Use direct comparison to decide which is lo...
Showing posts from August, 2018
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Katherine Ryan
Writing Posture Singing Songs To assist the children to do neat work, they sing a song before commencing their activities. The song encourages good posture and motivates the students. 1,2,3,4 Put your feet flat on the floor 5,6,7,8 Make your back nice and straight 9,10,11,12 Show me your excellent work
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Katherine Ryan

Resilience In Room 7, we have been focusing on resilience. Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from problems and setbacks. I have been teaching the children a number of skills that will help them become more resilient. They are: · Being thankful · Learning how to be a good friend · Controlling feelings · Knowing what to do if bullied I would like you to talk about each skill with your child and find opportunities to help them practise each one at home. Thank you for playing a vital role in your child’s resilience and wellbeing education.
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Katherine Ryan
Welcome to Term Three! The Clever Caterpillars have had a wonderful start to Term Three. The children have settled into their new home teams and continue to give 120% effort towards their learning. Over the last four weeks, the children have been involved in many exciting events…. NAIDOC Activities On the 23 rd of July, the children participated in a ‘Bush Tucker’ incursion run by the South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL). The children learnt about the growth, features and traditional uses of local native plants. In addition, they learnt about the Noongar seasons and how the traditional landowners used the various plants at different times of the year. 100 Days of Pre Primary/ Year One On the 26th of July, the children celebrated 100 days in Pre Primary/Year One. The children participated in a range of learning activities. These included: · 100 Day P...