Adventures in Room 7 


The Pre Primary and Year One children have had a great start to the school year. They have settled into the class routines and enjoyed visiting the specialist classes.

In our classroom, the children are learning how to work together in groups. We have five home teams called…

Team One: Turtles

Team Two: Starfish

Team Three: Dolphins

 Team Four: Fish

Team Five: Sharks

Parent Information Session

  Thank you to all the parents for attending the Parent Information Evening. I hope you gained a better understanding of our routines, classroom management, my expectations and school policies. 

Practice Time Summary

  I have outlined a weekly summary of the Practice Time work for you.

Pre Primary 

Year One

 Term One Learning Outcomes 

In the classroom, the children are learning to:

Pre Primary 

English skills 

  • Write their first and last name accurately. 
  • Recognise upper and lower case sounds.
  • Blend and segment sounds orally.
  • Identify title, author, word, letter, space and page.

Mathematics skills

  • Counts forward in sequence to 100.
  • Count backwards from 20.
  • Count collections in a variety of ways i.e. placing objects into a bag.
  • Subitise collections to 6 both regular and irregular.
  • Compare collections according to quantity i.e. 'more', 'less', 'same as' and 'not the same as'. 
  • Read numerals, identifies numerals and matches to quantities 0- 20.
  • Copy and continue a pattern with objects, drawings, sounds and movements. 

Year One

English skills 

  • Identify constant digraphs, which are two letters coming together to make one sound.
  • Identify antonyms and synonyms. Use full stops, capital letters and question marks appropriately.
  • Recognise words beginning with sh, ch, th and wh.
  • Understand the meaning of words in sentences.

Mathematics skills 

  • Accurately use the five counting principles.
  • Read, write and order numbers to 100.
  • Subitise collections up to 15.
  • Orally count starting from 0 by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s to 100.
  • Read the word numerals for 1 to 20.
  • Read and understand basic facts to 20 (addition and subtraction).
  • Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems to 30 using concrete materials, illustrations, counting on and counting back, partitioning and rearranging parts.
Awesome counting songs

To support the children in counting, I have been incorporating some entertaining songs into
our daily Mathematics Warm Ups.

The songs are:

Counting from 1 to 100 Song   

Counting by 10s Song 

Counting by 5s Song 

Counting by 2s Song  

At home, I encourage you to provide opportunities for your child to orally count from 0 by 
2s, 5s and 10s to 100.

Special Events

  Australian Day

On the 9th February, the children participated in a 'Australian Day' celebration. In the morning, the children attended a whole school assembly. The children looked stunning in their costumes. I will like to say thank you for your time and effort in helping your child with their costumes, and for your donations. The children helped the school raise over $824 for Acts for Kids.   

Family Photo

In History, the children are starting to learn about families. Please send in one standard photo to school by the 26th February 2018. At the conclusion of the unit, this photo will be returned to you. Thank you ☺

Thank you

Thank you very much for your wonderful support over the last few weeks. If you have any questions or would like to chat, please come and see me. 

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
