Revision for Year Two

During the holidays, I will like you to reinforce the following skills with your child.

Mathematics Skills 

Number and Algebra

  • Orally count starting from 0 by 2s to 100. 
  • Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems to 40 using concrete materials, illustrations and counting on.
  • Count collections to 100 or more by partitioning numbers using place value.

·        Measurement and Geometry

  • Tell the time (hour and half hour).

    English Skills

  • Use nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives correctly in sentences. 
  • Use basic conjunctions, contractions and similes in their writing. 
  • Write recounts,procedures and narratives, with neat writing and approximately one page in length. 
  • Apply basic proof reading and editing skills.

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
