Welcome to Term Four! 

From Miss Ryan

The Clever Caterpillars have had an excellent start to Term Four.

Over the last four weeks,the students have been involved in many great events...


On the 9th October, the students commenced dancing lessons. Congratulations to all the students for their outstanding effort and enthusiasm displayed during the dancing lessons. Keep up the fantastic work!

Year Level Challenge Presentation

On the 18th October, the students attended a whole school assembly. At the assembly, the results for the Term Three Year Level Challenge were announced. 

Well done to Kyan for achieving 100% on the Year One Challenge. Top work, Kyan!

Love Angel Christmas Project

The students have been participating in the Love Angel Christmas Project. This project has been initiated by Dr Ros Worthington to encourage and promote compassion and philanthropic values in students. We are one of 25 schools participating in the project.

Over the last few weeks, the students decorated Love Angels. The students were encouraged to use their imagination, be bold and have fun. On the 27th October (Friday), the Love Angels were sold for one dollar. It was a fantastic success! A big thank you to the parents and grandparents who helped to sell the Love Angels. The funds raised from the sale will be donated to the Bali Kids Medical Clinic.

Junior Assembly 

On the 27th October, the students attended a Junior Assembly presented by Room 2 and Room 4. Congratulations to Monet and Joshua for receiving their well-deserved Merit Certificates. Keep up the super effort, Caterpillars.

Swimming Lessons 

In Week Five and Week Six, the students will be attending swimming lessons.

The schedule is:

8:30am                           The students arrive at the classroom. They place their small bag on
                                           the desk before coming down to the mat.
8:40am                           The students will depart the classroom to line up.
8:45am                           The students leave school on the bus.
9:10 am to 9:45am    The students participate in their Swimming Lesson.
10:20am                       The students return to school on the bus.

Our routine

All students need to come to school in their bathers. They must wear their school shirt (over their bathers), thongs, towel (wrapped around them) and googles (if needed).

Please ensure the students have a plastic bag or small bag with the rest of their school uniform in it.

When the students return from swimming lessons, they will get changed into their school uniform.

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
