Term Four Learning Outcomes
In the classroom, the students are revising:
Mathematics Skills
Number and Algebra
- Orally count to 200 and from 100 from any starting point.
- Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems to 40 using concrete materials, illustrations and counting on.
- Count collections to 100 or more by partitioning numbers using place value.
- Accurately share and group objects equally.
- Understand and describe the concept of one-half as part of a whole.
· Measurement and Geometry
- Tell the time (hour and half hour).
- Give and follow specific directions to familiar locations (positional words, clockwise/anticlockwise).
Statistics and Probability
- Choose simple questions and gather responses to collect data.
- Draw simple data displays.
- Represent data with objects and drawings (one to one correspondence).
English Skills
- Use nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives correctly in sentences.
- Use basic conjunctions, contractions and similes in their writing.
- Spell the first 150 high frequency words.
- Write recounts,procedures, narratives and persuasive texts, with neat writing and approximately one page in length.
- Apply basic proof reading and editing skills.
- Recreate texts imaginatively using performances and digital forms of communication.
Miss Ryan
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