What skills to revise during the holidays?

During the holidays, I will like you to reinforce the following skills with your child.

Mathematics Skills 

Number and Algebra

  • Orally count to 200 and from 100 from any starting point.
  • Orally counting from 0 by 2s to 100.
  • Knowing and using ordinal numbers from 1st to 31st..
  • Identifying odd and even numbers to 20. 
  • Reading and understanding basic facts to 20 (addition and subtraction).
  • Representing and solving simple addition and subtraction problems to 30 using concrete materials, illustrations, counting on, counting back and number bonds. 

  • Measurement and Geometry

  • Knowing the duration of an hour, day, week and month.
  • Telling the time (hour and half hour).
  • Recognising and classify 3D shapes using basic attributes and features.

Statistics and Probability

  • Choosing simple questions and gathering responses to collect data.
  • Draw simple data displays.
  • Representing data with objects and drawings (one to one correspondence).

English Skills

  • Identifying R- Controlled Vowels, which is when 'Bossy r' bosses the vowel to make a new sound (ir, ur, er (fern), er (mother), ar and or).
  • Recognising the first 200 high frequency words (fast and consistent).
  • Use adjectives, nouns and verbs correctly in sentences.
  • Providing examples of homophones.  
  • Spelling the first 150 high frequency words.
  • Writing recounts and procedures, with neat writing and approximately one page in length.
  • Using full stops, capital letters, question marks and exclamation marks appropriately. 

Kind regards

Miss Ryan
